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Business Diversity Programs

Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program

The Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program was created to level the playing field and break down barriers for disadvantaged businesses on federally assisted contracts in highway, transit and airport programs. CLT is committed to following the regulations and spirit of the Program (Final Rule for 49 CFR Part 23) and continuously works to increase participation of DBE firms on airport contracts, as well as break down barriers for entry for DBE firms. CLT encourages DBE participation and actively seeks new and innovative ways to include DBE firms in all eligible federally funded projects.

DBE Certifications

The USDOT has mandated that all states implement a Unified Certification Program (UCP) to streamline the certification process and eliminate the burden of having to certify with multiple agencies. To certify as a DBE firm please visit the NCDOT page for information and certification forms.

Stakeholder Consultation Meeting Notice

The Charlotte Douglas International Airport (CLT) would like to invite all interested parties to a stakeholder meeting to discuss and provide feedback on the establishment of the Airport’s FFY 2023 – 2025 Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) goal. CLT’s Airport proposed FFY 2023-2025 DBE goal is 15.66%. This meeting will discuss CLT’s new Airport DBE goal, the goal-setting process and will have a question/answer session. This meeting will also provide an opportunity to learn about upcoming federally funded construction projects at CLT.

DBE Contract Documents and Information

DBE Form 1: Identification of Subcontracting Opportunities